Days to Keycon

Tuesday 31 January 2017

A distasteful milestone

January 31, 2017 - 108 Days til' Keycon

This year I hit an important milestone in my adult life. A hateful, ugly, 300 pound milestone. For the first time in my life my weight ballooned to the 300 pound mark. 

It's not an achievement that I ever wanted to make. Not the sort of achievement any middle aged man wants to make. But there it is. A three followed by two zeros starring at me from my bathroom scale. 

Three hundred. It's a base and low number. 

So, in these times, I must fall back on the sin of pride and try to figure out how to lose that weight that has made all my pants too tight and means I have trouble fitting into some of my favourite and loud Hawaiian shirts. 

So I've started a new regime. I want to get back to my old weight of about 260 or so. It's a decent weight for my build and certainly a lot healthier than the bulk I'm currently carrying. 

First to go was the sugary drinks. I was at a point where I was drinking, on average, about one two-litre of Pepsi a day. Excessive no matter how you look at it. I was drinking roughly one cup of sugar a day. More depending on what else I consumed during that day.

At work I walk approximately 11 - 15 Kilometers daily. So that is something at least with regards to exercise. The only days that I don’t do that is on my weekends.

I've also taken inspiration from a young woman,identified as Estella Gong,at the time a computer engineering sophomore at University of Central Florida, who, back in 2014, filmed herself doing pushups for a hundred days. She said that she was self consious of her body and hated being called ‘scrawny’ so she participated in a challenge called ‘give it 100’ which challenged people to get better at a skill for a hundred days and post videos of their progress.

She went from barely being able to do a pushup to doing clapping pushups and making it look easy. Watch the video below.

I’m not following any sort of fad diet set series of exercises. I’m going to continue to eat as I normally would. The only real change is that lack of a two-litre a day and my breakfast bag of ripple cut potato chips. Beyond that I’m just continuing with walking and doing pushups whenever I have the energy.

I’ve been at it for about two weeks so far. My weight is currently 294 pounds down from 298. I was at 292 for a couple of days but we had a games night and I may have drank another two-litre. 


I’m going to be continuing throughout the next couple of months working on loosing enough weight so that when the snow starts to clear in a few months I’ll be a bit more comfortable starting to jog again. 

Until then it’ll be no Pepsi on a daily basis, pushups and walking at work. 

I’m aiming for about 30 pounds by the time Keycon comes around. 

We’ll see.