Days to Keycon

Monday 10 October 2016

Happy Thanksgiving.

October 10th, 2016 - 221 Days to Keycon

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!

Today Canada celebrates it's Thanksgiving. The day will be full of friends, food, family, food, sports, food, crying, food, arguments, food and finally more food.

There will be pie. Usually of the pumpkin variety. With ice cream and lots of whipped topping.

So, of course, I have to work.

However, to my geek friends and fellow con-goer's.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday 5 October 2016

RIP Tom Ireland

On October 3rd, 2016, Winnipegs fandom woke to find themselves fewer by one. At 4:18am Tom Ireland, husband of Anna Murray, passed quietly surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Above is an illustration I did to honor Tom on the Meet the Geeks blog page. It's a small tribute to a man who has been a staple of Keycon for decades. The quote under the comic came from his Facebook page and seemed apropos.  

I'm forced to admit that I didn't know Tom that well. Although our lives crossed paths for nearly twenty years I never really got to know him. I knew him enough to engage him in conversation and to congratulate him when he and Anna got married in 2015. 

I saw him occasionally at my work and he, often accompanied by Anna, would come and chat for a time. We were both engaged in the security industry. 

I really wish I had gotten to know him better. 

I regret not getting down to see him in the hospital. I wanted to believe that there was still time. We had the good intention of going down to see him but life happened. Maybe next week. 

But there is no next week.

And I am truly sorry. I wish I knew more about him. Enough to write a short biography. Enough to tell you about him. About the people he made smile. About those that loved him and that he loved.

I don't even know how old he was when he passed.

Goodbye Tom. This is a poor, poor obituary for so fine a soul.

May those that were left behind find peace and remember only the good times.

Winnipegs Fandom won't be the same without you.

All my love...
