Days to Keycon

Thursday 29 June 2017

Thursday June 29th, 2017 - 323 Days to Keycon 2018...

Welp, it's the start of a new year, a new cycle to the next Keycon and little has been related as to what happened at the last.

In a nutshell, I slept. Like, a lot. I was tired. I was around for a bit but the majority of the weekend was sleeping in our room.

Jenn and I were exhausted.

But we're here in a new cycle for the upcoming Keycon 35, May 18th-20th 2018.

A lot has been happening around here though. We just completed a new move into a rental property that is not government subsidised. It's been two weeks of what seems like non-stop moving and the house, while sloooooowly coming together, is still a disaster as we try to put our lives back together.

However, with the move comes the probability that we can move forward on a few projects.

Geeky plans for between this year and Keycon 2018:

1) LEGO. Yes, the childrens brick toy. I have a bunch of LEGO from my own childhood and I'm planning on trying to put together one of my old kits. I know that there are parts damaged and missing so I'm probably going to have to try to source out parts to replace them. I'm hoping to use this as a bonding project between myself and my stepson Riley.

2) Hagrid. I've agreed to play Hagrid (I was voluntold by my wife) at Keycon 2018 as a quest giver. It'll involve putting together a costume and a couple of props. I'm personally looking forward to creating his little pink parasol/wand.

3) Qui-Gon Swag. A mercenary... swag giver? I'm still not 100% on this one. All I know is that I have a Hasbro Clone Trooper helmet that I had bought a few years back from Value Village and I want to create a custom costume around it. LED blinky eyes and the whole nine yards...  I'll see what comes around on this one.

4) K'Bob's headpiece. It's been years since I've done a headcast of myself. My last one got thrown away, it was too much trouble to keep hauling around. I NEED to make a new Klingon head piece and it's time. I've got the concept down for a quick and easy character, I just need the turtle shell.

Those are the four main ideas that I'm going to be moving ahead on. We'll see how it all shakes out this year.

Stay tuned Geeks!

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